
Monday, October 26, 2015

$3.8 Billion/yr, the new minimum wage, just like Mike Milkin got how many Hundred Million in 1985 when I earned my masters, just like all of the billionaires who got business licenses to start, etc.
 I George A. Crawford III was told my degrees do not matter by so called managers of offices of K.C. area stock broker offices ie merrill lynch, smith barney, painewebber, and they have had me arrested for fiction such as trespassing 10+ times since 1985 when I earned my masters, (punk-fags)... In jail and mental hospitals I was told my degrees do not matter by so called Drs and nurses, (punk-nazis), one in particular, nurse fran stauss, said I am brilliant, I said 'yes', she said 'no one deserves more than $30,000/yr' I laughed, she then said 'I get $40,000/yr' later that week she had me put in jail, (punk-nazis), maybe they are look a likes from KC stock broker offices pretending to be Drs and Nurses, (punk-joke-fags), other social workers said my degrees do not matter, stock ownership does not matter- (punk-joke-nazis), and my so called dad, says, 'don't tell people your degrees' he supposedly has a Harvard Law degree and wharton econ. degree, he has talked how he 'dropped' people who fucked him, he in 83 in 2008.  The punks at the KS topeka securities office said my degrees do not matter, my genius IQ does not matter and they will not give me a license, (fag-punk-jokes)
I think that the above hedge fund manager needs his ACT SAT scores and degrees made public knowledge along with every one else who has a license and the punks who grant licenses or in my case do not, along with judges, etc. who jailed me for nothing. Lets go on prime time TV fag punk jokes............

NY Attorney General Andrew Cuomo Investigating $4 Billion in Accelerated Merrill Bonuses

1/30/2009 10:46 AM


News recently hit the Street that former Merrill Lynch CEO John Thain rushed to hand out year-end bonuses prior to his firm's acquisition by Bank of America(BACsentimentchartoptions), and the report has now attracted the attention of New York Attorney General Andrew Cuomo. Bloomberg says that Cuomo may demand the return of $4 billion in bonuses paid out prior to the buyout's completion. The attorney general is also curious to find out how much BAC CEO Kenneth Lewis knew about the accelerated bonuses, and whether he was truly surprised by Merrill's massive $15 billion net loss in the fourth quarter.
According to the report, Cuomo is investigating whether shareholders were properly informed about Merrill's finances, and he's also checking up on the use of federal bailout loans by Bank of America for potential improprieties. The attorney general is specifically looking for possible violations of New York securities laws, which could result in fines.
In the first hour of trading today, BAC is off 2.7%. The Dow component has swallowed a hefty 84.6% loss during the past 52 weeks, and it's hovering near 18-year lows. Despite the stock's dismal performance, there's still plenty of room for more bearish sentiment to build -- BAC's Schaeffer's put/call open interest ratio (SOIR) is 0.53, just 1 percentage point from an annual peak of optimism.

Mental health, creativity link discovered
STOCKHOLM, Sweden (UPI) -- Thinking outside the box -- creativity -- may also be linked to mental illness, researchers in Sweden said.

"We have studied the brain and the dopamine D2 receptors, and have shown that the dopamine system of healthy, highly creative people is similar to that found in people with schizophrenia," Fredrik Ullen of Karolinska Institutet said in a statement.

Ullen said studies show dopamine receptor genes are linked to the capacity for divergent thought.

The study, published in the journal PLoS one, measured the creativity of healthy individuals using psychological tests to determine different solutions to a problem.

"The study shows that highly creative people who did well on the divergent tests had a lower density of D2 receptors in the thalamus -- a part of the brain that serves as a kind of relay center filtering information -- than less creative people," Ullen said. "Schizophrenics are also known to have low D2 density in this part of the brain, suggesting a cause of the link between mental illness and creativity."

Fewer D2 receptors in the thalamus probably means a lower degree of signal filtering, and thus a higher flow of information from the thalamus and this may be behind the ability of healthy highly creative people to see numerous uncommon connections to solve a problem and the bizarre associations found in the mentally ill, Ullen said.
This is an example of biased opinions to automatically disqualify, based on the words 'only way', as I studied finance at Purdue Krannert, when it was ranked 'simply as good as it gets' in national mba school polls, they taught the efficient market theory with such biasness, that I did not study the crap much, earned Bs, as I was the same way in many classes in engineering and high school, that were too biased, too much crap, too much fraud. When I look at certain things, written words, people, objects, I auto matically disqualify many based on first impressions/looks, such as teachers in school, ie finance teacher- efficient market theory. I called smith barney morgan stanley last week, the yahoo finance listed number, asking to talk to the listed chairman, and was transferred to the complaint department, where a younger sounding girl acted like she was seriously listening and taking notes, about my issues since the 1970's - asking me how much money would settle my complaints, I replied, $100 Billion, based on real damages, physical, and lost money, pay checks at hedge funds at over $1 billion/yr for 10years now, and the current listed $3.5 million/yr pay check of the ceo. She said they would be back with me in 4 weeks, in October 2012.  The next day, a dirty old looking crummy car drove by the front of my house, a woman, all made up smiling, a guy who looked like the old Purdue finance teacher, PhD MIT- I could hear snot off saying 'punk', key idea is 'looked like' 30+ years of look a likes, idiots, identity theft, pretenders, as that teacher in class acted tough, smoked cigarettes-like an idiot- with his military? crew cut, turtle necks, black nerd glasses, and contradicted himself over the 2 year period I earned my degrees, REAL BIASED.

“Channel Investing”: The Only Way To Beat The Efficient Market Hypothesis

There is a way to beat the market. To understand how it is possible, we must first understand why it is so difficult and why the vast majority of traders never accomplish it.

In a nutshell, the barrier to truly spectacular gains is “efficient markets.” As you may know, the efficient-market hypothesis is one of the most important insights into equity trading ever developed. First, I’ll give you the Wikipedia definition. Then I’ll add to it and tell you how to overcome it. Wiki says:

In finance, the efficient-market hypothesis (EMH) asserts that financial markets are “informationally efficient.” In consequence of this, one cannot consistently achieve returns in excess of average market returns on a risk-adjusted basis, given the information available at the time the investment is made.

In other words, so much information is available to so many traders all the time, it is nearly impossible for one person to glean something from the blizzard of information and disinformation available online to consistently outperform all the others trying to do the same thing.

This is true. There is a way, however, to beat the traders. The technique is a radical financial strategy called “investing.”

Yes, I’m being somewhat facetious, but it’s true.

Historically, investors who did their homework and identified technological innovations before the mass of traders began trying to predict every micro-movement in a stock have been able to reap legendary gains.

This is possible for a number of reasons. One is that the vast majority of traders are not experts at anything except following trends. They are generalists almost by definition. Therefore, an army of generalists is constantly reacting to the tiniest, most trivial bit of data, trying constantly to predict what all the other generalists will do.

The odds of winning this game, once you realize that the brokerages play the same role as “the house” in Las Vegas, are dismally low. I have a friend who has run several major brokerages who tells me that he and everybody else in that business know this is true but will never admit it.

Investors, however, have the option of actually doing the work and learning about emerging technologies. Armed with sufficient understanding of specific innovations and overall economic forces, investors in breakthrough technologies can earn huge returns. I use the word “earn” purposely, by the way. If you hear somebody use the word “win” or “won” in the stock markets, you know they are gamblers, not investors.

Investors don’t constantly buy and sell trying to outguess the market, which is exactly what brokerages want you to do. Investors do the work to understand where science and technology are going and buy equities in companies, not stocks, positioned to profit from the constantly changing technological environment.

This is actually a very difficult thing to do, for psychological and emotional reasons. People tend to watch tickers too closely and fall prey to the herd mentality. I tell people, however, that it is far better to sit on a transformational stock that doubles in value for five years than it is to try to win 10% or 15% gains in the short run.

The calculated annual ROI of a successful short-run trade is, on paper, huge. The fact is, however, that virtually nobody constantly wins short-run trades. Only supercomputers on the floors of the exchanges do that. Traders who average 20% gains yearly are nearly nonexistent. If you have the patience to invest in companies that can double or triple in a five or so year cycle, however, such returns are absolutely feasible.

You hear about big trading success stories, however, as traders are likely to brag about those “wins” while ignoring their losses and charges. Brokerages also tout those instances, just as the casinos issue press releases when somebody wins big at slots. Neither brokerages nor casinos put out press releases showing the vast majority of gamblers slowly turning over their wealth to the house.

Investors often buy only once and sell once many years later. Some sell at various points in the upward movement of a company’s stock to lock in gains or get cash to buy additional equities when markets inevitably dip. Investors who indulge in this sort of trading are actually engaging in “price averaging” and can make truly spectacular gains, as quite a few of my readers have demonstrated. 

The key, however, is that the trades are meant to bolster an investment, not outperform the gamblers.

Price averaging is simply adding to your holdings of companies that you believe will increase in the long run. I also call this channel trading because many early-stage innovation companies vacillate regularly in pretty well defined channels. Armed with enough information about those patterns, it’s not that hard to buy after a stock goes down and sell some after it goes back up — keeping in mind that the true point is to add to long-term holdings at low prices.

The key point about this strategy is that the channel traders’ buys and sells take place “after” movements. Unlike traders trying to predict movements and place their orders before the herd stampedes, channel investors can sit back, watch the herd and profit by increasing their ownership of companies in a diversified portfolio of transformational technologies.

This is the only way to beat the efficient-market hypothesis, because it’s based on knowledge that traders simply don’t bother to learn. It often involves relatively complex science and even some basic knowledge of math and statistics. While it is simple in theory, it’s very difficult to stay calm and stick to your guns while investors are shouting and waving their arms around like branches in a hurricane.


Patrick Cox, for Penny Sleuth
I like these ideas, below- George A. Crawford III MS BS still, now on my second half century
All life is an experiment. The more experiments you make, the better.

Ralph Waldo Emerson

Do not believe in anything simply because you have heard it. Do not believe in anything simply because it is spoken and rumored by many. Do not believe in anything simply because it is found written in your religious books. Do not believe in anything merely on the authority of your teachers and elders. Do not believe in traditions because they have been handed down for many generations. But after observation and analysis, when you find that anything agrees with reason and is conducive to the good and benefit of one and all, then accept it and live up to it.

- Buddha
dad was murdered by- ?

the police, a set up, mistaken identity with look a likes, gossips saying he was the look a like, with their look a like dad crap, stole his identity, stole his money, killed him making him as the bad guy because they had the look a like do things, gossips saying it was him, then they set him up, killed him,

similar lies about myself, raping women, molesting, in smith barney and other stockbrokers, lies in court by punks fagits

when I was 16, the gossip took off, he- dad, would not play by the rules, talked of me taking people's stock broker accounts, his, 'take it', how do you take a persons stock broker account assets? fake identity, -it is just a paper- be a man- fight- some thing-'so how do I get paid?' idiots... having the papers with the stock statements?- idiots, how do I cash them out and put cash in my pocket?' idiots...people with working knowledge of the office/company- could do such fraud, but to fight to then actually do it?' - I believe his look a like started that when I was 16, and then murdered him, police maybe, as some gossip was, he said he was scared once, that a guy who looked like him was doing things, he said he had unique hand writing as some try to copy his, that changed after my college, he changed- mafia gossip mimic idiot,  and they wanted to turn me into one of them, never leave the hood of punks, they hated me going on trips to california and hawaii, turn me into their punk  life of lies fraud and murder. ignored in the law and court, reality- so what, no one cares, what are you going to do about it?,  just talked about around the hood to the peoples.... all punks in hell.

or 'snakes' murdered him in a stock broker offices, snakes of another frat, who could also be police, become police to frat war, as some gossip goes

or his law firm people killed him, because he was better than them and they say he did some thing to them, maybe true, into their own trap of crap, or gossip of crap/lies, 'your dad was murdered, you will see how much money his law firm people have who are inferior to him'
or his friends? killed him from his investment group, took him out to their farm, stuck rebar up his ass, because he was an 'ass hole' and they built homes, then stole his identity and made it seem like we were all friends, just a brain wash scam for the children growing up who could not know any different. a whole group of people who have look a likes for groups, as some gossip goes, and frats, frat group look a likes, all a mass of confusion, intentionally then total chaos

or a Beta ceo of sprint wrestled him, broke his legs, and they left him to die crippled in the office and had a party as he watched- stole his money

or / and he started the KC Merrill Lynch office and they killed him after he took their companies public, did what only he could do with his degrees, made them rich, then stole his money and hid their crimes, or he was asked by a girl or frat brother from a local non ranked college how to do something in a stock broker office, he showed them, then after 'they know how to do it' they blind sided him, killed him, a shot to the head, laughed and called him chump, my mom has called me chump lately, tod crm at coldwell banker blind sided me with the sleeper hold in the contract room, asking me for help, lied about his education, as the current reece nichols web site lists it, bud, another realter, has poisened my food I believe, at dads funeral at the country club, with people coming and going, making cracks, and the last time we ate lunch, for 20 years, at my suggestion, to see who he was, showing up, for one reason, the same with other persons, lunch, to see who they are this time.
or a guy at an auto plant made something out of steel, dad said so what, they had a big guy attack dad with their punk group, dad put him down, had him in the sleeper hold, and they hit dad in the back of the head with the steal pipe and killed him, blind siding him from the start with a group of punks in the office - or they were his friends? who hated him, and had to beat him, any way they could

or he was killed, as gossip of many from his country club were killed, because all they did was '....' just educated people who were killed by punks who 'work' and think that entitles them to kill people, they kill their betters, with office jobs and country clubs, they kill their betters in the offices and country clubs among each other, steal their identities, saying 'all they do is, we can do that' 'we don't need degrees to do it, or that degree' 'competition-anything goes' or 'we let engineers kill people' 'your dad was not as smart as some engineers' well many engineers are smarter than most, like myself, and their is plenty of fraud, look a like identity theft involved, crap created to 'just scrub bathrooms with toothbrushes' - so what waste of time and energy, and time and energy put in the trash, ignored not used in reality, because of costs, time, practical, etc. 

Another gossip was people saw my aunt murdered at a stock broker office, they said dad did it, to collect life insurance money, it was a look a like of dad, pretending to be dad to my aunt, and they took pictures if it, a collection of murder pictures, to brag about? the guy who stole his identity which was blatant after college, he was not alone in his efforts, his law partners, some of them, in court against me, some of his friends, hated him, plotted to kill him, and did it. Same type of crap against me, molesting women, assault/battery, a group effort of lies against me in the stock broker offices and court houses, maybe a look a like of myself actually committed crimes, and did it in front of people, who do not know me, to make it look like I did it, and 'so? what are you going to do about it'? so?' see why we have court orders against him- see what he does' pure punk mafia set ups and lies against me by the law, medical punks/look a like identity thieves, everyone is a possible look a like or identity theive, therefore no one can be trusted or believed or relied on, once anything is not right, they are not right, who ever they are, claim to be, are a part of.

there is always some one better in some way than another, some better with lies and fraud or no way to prove it, some better who are damaged along the way by others, I have that experience. what ever reason  any people use to disrespect others, the same will be used against them selves, what goes around comes around, on the streets, maybe the streets over rule the law and courts, maybe sometimes they rightfully should, maybe sometimes it is all lies and crap, so ? Some gossip includes 'I beat a phi' talk of people beating others' I have no idea what punks are yacking about, I have never had an formal competition to 'beat' anyone, with pro contracts, agreements up front, dad was a phi beta, my beta frat, I never beat him at anything in any up front, winner gets paid, etc. the police or others murdered my real father, the idiot stole his identity, and they made it up that I killed him, a 'beat' in their punk gossip world- gossip includes the police murdered him, and made it that I did it, 'in competition' so? 'just a fraternity thing' that is how it is around here, punk mafia-established in the court houses, etc.

maybe one gossip was my natural dad was a farmer, and could not take care of kids and lawyer dad took the kids and mom, as maybe he was messed up and could not have children, or maybe as one gossip goes, he murdered natural dad with mom, for money, and natural dad was just a gm factory worker/engineer w/o any college degrees, but the lawyer degrees had more money and mom and him killed my natural dad, or maybe when they moved when I was in kindergarten he was murdered and they moved out away from the people that knew, or maybe again he was murdered when I was 16 by kids from my hs, their parents had them do it to be 'men' or they had gossip set ups and had their hs frat kill him in a wrestling fight at Merrill lynch, because 'he was a big bad beta wrestler' as police and nazi drs. have called me - and they said he was an investor, and they hated him owing the companies, and killed him, too many gossip stories but they all have some truth credibility, based on my own experience, with police, and the law, mental health nazis

another issue was when I looked myself up on a people search , records web sight, the web site said I had numerous traffic tickets in LA CALF. while I was in college at Purdue- thus impossible, perhaps dad? with the same name, different middle initial, was in calf. acting crazy, like he drove crazy around his hood the year before he no longer could drive, and made up a story of getting plastic surgery in calf.? get a nose job? to look 'pretty' as lawyer think sales people are 'pretty people' - all just the 'look a like murderer' going to calf. and telling people he was getting plastic surgery, to hide his identity theft even more? the issue of what people look like entitling them to benefits, or to commit murders and crimes without punishment was an issue he yacked about, as well as many court and internet records have things about me, that were not me, could be him with the same name. his comments about my nose before he went into die, insults, my uneven nostrils, his even nostrils, old pictures he had uneven nostrils, he was a different person after my college, and idiot, gossip, liar, punk... thus probably a murderer identity thieve as he claimed, and no one believes or listens to me, so all of his friends/lawyers are part of the murder cover up, as some of them act stupid around me, gossip, and rude since 'whoever' died 5 years ago.

or after punks at Merrill lynch blind sided me, arrested me at the plaza, then threatened me on the phone with fake new england accents, I spray painted I own the place, which I did, on 103 and metcalf, 6 months in jail for that? malicious prosecution, decapitate all of them .... and after several rounds in the punk court houses, they invited me to a seminar in the plaza office, when I was in California buying a house. or they begged dad to open an account, he did, they started messing with me, him, when I was 16, he went in to close out his account, trust accounts, they killed him, since he was not going to supply them with any more money, be of no use to them? he was doing something bad against the company? they are punks, doing good or bad for the company?, any thing  -lies-can be created by punks, decapitate all of them. The punks at smith barney did the same thing, arrest me for fiction, raping molesting women, trespassing, then a year or so after, call me up asking for me to open an account. Or was it all set ups by dead dad and the court house as he once claimed, 'they do not even know what is going on' 'smith barney has merrill lynch' he said, or did he start it after the first blind side arrest at merrill lynch on the plaza, when they called me 'video corner' while I was hand cuffed and blind sided by cops, trying to break my arms, video corner was out of my portfolio by then. 
I guess some of the most destructive issues of my life have been gossip, negative crap. true or false, about my family, parents, friends, bad talking others at jobs, during job interviews in college, maybe the intent of scum, to turn me against those I should trust or be with, and killing all trust every where. Creating issues of hate against groups, that are irrelevant to common sense, thus creating anarchy among all, and trust of no one. When no one has trust, credibility, then all gossips of murders, identity theft, become real, impossible to all be real, but in some ways, all real.  This has created my motives since a teen, and my dad, who was no billionaire with his degrees, and what is the difference between any one person and every one else? if he and others disrespect my degrees, they themselves become nothings, as they demonstrate by their homes and wealth, and complete insane crap every where with every one. Motivation to be right, no where. Once people threaten me, over what ever issue, they and the issue become black marks, if it is a company- the company has a black mark, and reinforces act gmat BS MS. When people try to suck me into their 'group' 'company' it is a joke? why? trying to take me away from what I have, create wars in what I have, well wars are 30 years old now, never going away. If it is family, family talking up persons who previously were punks, family is a question, and then ignoring past issues about punks. Owners being talked down, then talked up, in private video corner, etc. who cares, every thing is about ME, and who are they? black marks 4ever, nothings but war, issue/issue, $ issue / $ issue 4ever, person/person, company/company- punks. 
for the record, this investment club and private hedge fund are not licensed. The license applications I attempted were turned down by the ks securities commission where the fagot punks said my degrees and genius IQ does not matter. The license procedure involved being sponsored to take the tests, which I passed with some of the highest scores in America when allowed to try. the kc area stock broker offices, merrill lynch, smith barney, painewebber did not sponsor me, said my degrees do not matter, said my ownership of those companies does not matter, and had me arrested for fiction such as trespassing, which the fagots in the securities commission used as reasons to deny my license saying, 'ownership is not right'. Since I have been bankrupt, jailed, put in mental hospitals, drugged, lost my real estate sales license and denied my real estate broker license, told for 30 years by my so called daddy a harvard degree lawyer in kc, not to go to law school, I would never get a license or job, and his mafia crap has put me in jail mental hospitals for 30 years, I started the private hedge fund/investment club, and always said it is not licensed.
I have been disrespected since age 18 and have to be a multi billionaire. The ks state securities office mailed me a letter today questioning my web site and the fact I am not licensed and are threatening me with law suits. These same punks would not grant me a license and disrespected me face to face. There is no license for this, I HAVE TO EARN $5 BILLION/YR IN AMERICA IN 2012 AND BACK PAY CHECK and PAY BACK FOR 30+ years of disrespect, mafia, nazi, punk murder. 
I did not go to Oklahoma St. to live in Oklahoma, or settle for crap bull shit jobs, tolerate disrespect, or Purdue to live in Indiana or settle for crap jobs, disrespect, just to become the richest man in America, highest compensation in America, doing what ever I feel, with no limits or boundaries, strategically, any thing, based on personal experience or American precedent.  ceo, hostile takeovers, investment banking, hedge funds, business owner, entrepreneur. no limits/boundaries or interference. all such crap ignites WW3.... punks dish it out, need it slammed back harder than ever dreamed of.  
I did not go to college because of or to be any college mascot, such as a 'cowboy' 'poke' 'boilermaker' but for 10$ figures/yr, as I am a man who works for money, I would do those 'jobs'
When I was a student at Ok.St. I joined a frat, Beta Theta Pi, in large part because I was a legacy, and a lot of hazing indeed disrupted studying, classes that were riddled with crap not worth studying, fraud, during tests, in the computer transcripts center,  for and against individuals, homework copy sessions, and right before graduation, a couple of mech engr frat group individuals, who I guess had news that I was accepted to Purdue to get a masters, who had my transcripts, which just backs up their access to commit gpa transcripts fraud, Harry, a phi delt, who took 7 or 8 years to earn his BS, perhaps to get a higher gpa with easier loads each semester, and Bill the delt, who might have had one of the top gpa's in our class, of 15 or 20 graduates, out of 1000+ the first week in engineering day 1, approached me in the dark one night outside, and threatened me, as harry was wanting a job at ibm, and they would only hire 1 osu mech engr grad, and harry was as bill stated, bigger than me and had a higher gpa. IBM WAS NEVER A THOUGHT TO ME, merrill lynch was, and punks mouthing off about it, my gpa, they are all jokes/nothings, I OWN< what was your gmat act idiot punks? gpa? we will go class for class, load for load, etc. This was 1983 in april or may.
During the summers, some of my frat brothers worked in the oil fields, earning $30,000 maybe some said in 3 months, enough to live well all school year, when I inquired about such work, some told me I would get injured, set up, and some directly threatened me. -indirect helpful warnings?, indirect and direct threats? scare tactics?- WHATEVER, and I did not graduate so 'all I would have to do is sit in an oil refinery and watch gauges' for $30k/yr----- if any American does hostile takeovers, then I will, try, and what are those individuals act gmat scores we read about, allowed to legally conduct such activities? WHATEVER..... 
I have told my friends, that I went to osu partly because of an engr scholarship, started there, and decided no matter what crap I experienced, to earn my degree in 4 years, which I did. I have called some high school flunk out equivalents who say my degrees do not matter, anyone is that until prov-en otherwise, and none of those persons are billionaire rich with jobs I would ever want, care about, so what? Some 'friends' have insulted me, said my degrees do not matter, I have given them helpful warnings that 'I want to blow people like you away who mess with/fuck me' and since I know I want to blow people/places away, that others must have the same motivation, thus I do not want to be killed in these 'war zones' as before college people told me such 'warnings' and even girls saying 'you have to murder someone to be a merrill lynch vice president', like a 'fraternity initiation' process, as a lot of the crimes against me have been 'excused' by individuals in the law/medical 'professions' as 'just fraternity things'.
 other gossip- women saying they will shoot my father and I will perform oral sex on them, women telling me to shoot people and they will perform oral sex on me, guys saying 'I will shoot your father'  like it 'is known' they shoot people at Merrill lynch, and I didn't believe it. Same crap of killing my father at smith barney, PaineWebber, because of his degrees, that they use against those they can, and murder their superiors- before my college and during, then after my masters, the 'dad' saying' the mer mgr shot and killed an engineer like you, he did not need his crap, his daughter just sits in the office and performs oral sex on the man who killed her father, it seems to be a sick game- they kill individuals who are better than themselves- use their punk inferior degrees on those they can, justify any and everything logically to who ever, and enjoy killing their betters and having those murdered person's children perform sex on them or go on and become rich and famous, as their parents - who started from little to nothing, worked honest and hard to achieve what the murderers could never do, and then these punks murder the parents who did the 'impossible' yet never the riches and billion$ precedent-ed and give it to their children, after they murder the parents-who did something- fair and honest- and then have it all taken away- stolen, murdered.  whatever- no excuses- and forever responses...............  
Then at Purdue, several grad students who had worked at ibm, acted all nice, wanting me to join their study groups, seemed to know about that osu ibm 'thing'. Some students were 40s 50s and I was 21 - there was also crap at Purdue, behind the back shit, grades based on my experience with such crap, and a lot of the content, do not mean much. The main prof preached the first semester 'we teach you useful ideas' then the 2nd year said 'you all can not do what we teach you' which was my experience before high school diploma, and ok st. so nothing new, a main motivation in my study efforts, day 1.  this prof of finance told the class- when I talked about his teaching of 'the purpose of a company is to maximize stock owner value, and the efficient market theory'- that I say it is 'just a certificate', then he told me I would be arrested in stock broker offices in kansas city, 'they are salesmen' a thought that had been expressed at ok st. and before college, also contradicted by my 'lawyer father' who called it crap- my teachers, and that statement was correct- 'IT IS CRAP', but also realistic, giving no one credibility, and based on my past 30 years of crap, identity theft-look a like- murder gossip, I believe it is possible some one murdered my natural father and the dad? who died 1.5 years ago was a fraud, a babbling idiot punk for 25 years I KNOW that- he and the law/courts houses.
   Last year at church, tony an oriental guy, and a teke from ku like my younger brother, acted nice to me one time saying 'ibm is a good company' and made reference to the phi delt and delt from osu, 30 years ago- as he worked at ibm, a year  before that he called me 'shrimp' with attitude, in his house at a church function, ibm is a 'good company'? maybe for some, they may sign my contract as I SAY.   My brother insults my Purdue Masters, my dead dad did so much beyond insulting my degrees, that I believe he murdered my natural father, stole his identity, and talked as though he was part of a network of look a like identity thieves of my 'natural father' he and the law/court established nazi punk disrespect, zero credibility, the law, medical punks- all groups with zero credibility. Credibility, for those who think, with a brain in their head, know, real, from fraud/lies/idiot punk nothing, which is every where. Punks labeled 'professionals' justify their actions against myself with lies, fraud, irrelevant crap, disrespect my IQ ACT GMAT, call me dumb because of my college gpa, which was below B average, and based on my experience, that shows some what more credibility and intelligence than punks who committed fraud, killed to get a gpa, what ever, and most could never pass the 1st semester, the way I did, or grad in 4 years, punks/fagits with gpa in pussy classes and fraud... act, iowa basic skills- credebility- punk fagits... destroy my brain with drugs in mental hospitals? with the nazi police/judges/drs in jail? destroy you punk nazis... and when those persons talk or work, they demonstrate they are idiots, punks, and maybe frauds all the way to identity
 A month ago I called a guy at church, asked him about tony and ibm, he said they were teke frat brothers at ku, later that same day, an explosion on the plaza made national news, 1 person killed, many injured, destroyed a restaurant, where fiber optic cables being laid, google?, in the building, broke a gas line, the smell was noticed by some customers, who were told 'it is all right' but some left any way, the employees were told to stay and work, one of them died.
A similar murder took place at a local jewish center a day after I saw bill the delt from ok st mech engr on linkden, and emailed him, with some questions. Seems too much of a coincidence.  
I notice a correlation when I type things on my web sites,  facebook, things happen, when I email or talk on my phone, things happen, the black guy in the townhouse next to me seems to intercept the cable through our walls, listen to my phone calls, my Internet, my emails, and see what I am doing in various rooms of my house, as I hear them react through the common wall.  Someone, including them I believe, enters my house when I am gone, poisons my food. They have established face to face attitude.  Non white persons, almost all blacks, have been a problem around me, as renters, neighbors, what ever. (sometimes too perfect as a show to me at first, or others, then a real bad problem in private/behind my back). Not everything  typed onto the Internet, my web sites, my face book is by me, some hackers seem to access my Internet and slip in little things, that are not by me, including after I use public Internet, such as the microsoft store at oak park mall here in op ks.  any person who starts up crap with me, should expect replies. Any disrespect against myself will be answered, all issues will be professionally addressed or if not, precedented to what extremes, replied to forever.  
As a white boy fagit punk around my house has snotted off 'woolworths' 'woman' as others have around other places in town, I have based on pre hs diploma experience worked in retail, including woolworths- just for money- and I was told by dad to get a job and work- so I did....,  as real men work for $, not with or around punk, snot,  fagits. As almost every nigger I have been around has turned into a problem, who I choose I associate with as a pro, and my free time is my business. I am a man, not a 'retailor' but will sign a contract with a retail co. board of directors for my billion$/yr as a pro, and work as agreed as long as each pay check agreed to - clears and settles. pro as I am, day 1.....  fagits....
I know all of the fagit gossip I have experienced from the dead dad? of mine, the top lawyer in America, ivy league degrees, gossip about him, identity theft, look a likes, murder crap in my ears and mind for over 35 years, of course it has affected me.  almost every friend? I have is a complete question to me, who they are?  gossip about them from others, true or false, look a like crap, intentional by them or by strangers or both, not just friends? but neighbors,  jobs, anyone I have more than just chance casual contact with, complete strangers using persons names from my life, how ever remotely related to myself, gossip, murder, death gossip, starting at home with the dead dad, stories, gossip, that do not add up or are directly contradicted giving no one credibility. There are such persons in every walk of life, the law court, schools, teachers, medicine/drs/hospitals, police, no one/group/profession is immune from such fraud, thus no credibility to anything, the buttons get pushed, the crap starts and snowballs with destruction, which might end our civilization. planet
I read the current chairman of boeing is named James Mcnereny, a name listed before as the manager of merrill lynch here in KC where the punk disrespect is WW3, these fagots copy people's names, or real people with the same name as others, to make these idiot fagots into heros, names, name changes, fake identities, pure fictitious persons, look a likes, murder identity theft, deke smith,  forrest smith, names from mer against me in court, why? mer lynch penner smith? smith name? a 'smith' with a mechanical engineering degree built the local ford plant himself and does not like me? - well that crap from the dead dad of mine is a complete lie, no individual built the local ford plant themselves, and so what? fagot, that's your pay check agreement, and if you think your crap entitles you to disrespect me, your a dead fagot. as the dead dad mimiced people, sat at his desk acting like he was working, doing absolutely nothing, which his work as a lawyer, was ,  'paper work' his pay check at his law firm, where they do not hire children of lawyers to be lawyers,  and who cares, except his butting his mouth.laws. into my business, a complete fraud lie, after my masters... who cares what fagots like, any idiot who works for ford, works based on any agreement they individually have, nothing to do with me as an owner, and my masters from top in America PURDUE-and I as an individual have never been an employee of ford, gm, boeing, or any company as such that makes 'mechanical' things like planes or autos, but if I ever agreed to such, work, the entire planet will know it, be able to know it right here on my web site, contract, agreed. pay check, cleared and settled. fagots. if any fagot thinks I graduated from high school to work in a manufacturing plant, they are insane, sure for $ billion/wk, fagot idiots, 'just because you own the place does not mean you get a pay check' well 'I do not work for free whether I own the place as a common stock owner or not- punks/fagots' 'you create issues- you get hit harder, ownership is a WW3 issue punk fagots.'
the smartest man in the room, theory, reality- apply to anything- punk fagots- I start as an american OWNER

for precise clarification/credibility, what do I call any one, a umkc mba grad, who calls me poor, flunked, any thing negative, 'fagit- what was your iowa basic skills, act, gmat scores? could you get into Engineering at Ok. St. and pass the first semester the way I did? graduate in 4 years? get into Purdue Krannert? that was ranked simply as good as it gets, when I went? what was the national ranking of your college? the year you went? any years? are you a billionaire ? living in a mansion? have any job I give a shit about or would ever try to get? sure I have flunked some meaningless college classes, at umkc, never even tried, after my masters was cleared and settled, and umkc students asked me why I was even there-since I already had a Purdue MS? another story involving dead daddy, sure I am on food stamps and bankrupt, who are you? everything bad that has been maliciously inflicted upon me by the law/medical -professional Nazis- should be inflicted back and to your punk mouths- see how you like it- punks. 
Literal, all issues will be addressed in a professional/respectful manner, or meet with WW3, all issues against myself, my heritage, will be responded to based on significance, and disrespect. Literal.
Nothing is better than something not good enough
the smartest man in the room
rich is defined as at least $1 Billion/yr in pay check, rich people do not work, they play, if you are not rich, then you are poor, put up or shut up. punks mouth off, the dumber they are, the More they mouth off and try to beat by everything but intelligence and education, and what they pull, is really nothing, not professional, punks/boys/games/babies/punks
George Crawford ‎"Man was born to be rich, or inevitably to grow rich, through the use of his faculties." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
6 hours ago · Like

George Crawford To learn who rules over you, simply learn who you are not allowed to criticize.
— Voltaire

None are more hopelessly enslaved than those who falsely believe they are free.
— Goethe
August 10 at 3:03pm · Like

George Crawford who's crap do you put up with? for how long? are you sure exactly who they are? ----- CRAWFORD
August 10 at 3:06pm · Like - PGA TOUR Statistics
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George Crawford I play golf for fun
August 9 at 1:47pm · Like

George Crawford ... /index.htm

The highest earning hedge fund manager is ...
The 25 top earning hedge fund managers took home $22 billion in 2011. That's dow...See More
August 9 at 1:48pm · Like ·

George Crawford I work for money
August 9 at 1:49pm · Like

George Crawford ... _land.html

America's Highest Paid CEOs
Bosses are again feeling flush, receiving their first bump since 2006. Our top 5...See More
August 9 at 1:50pm · Like ·

George Crawford I always hate fagots who put words in my mouth or talk about me, real fagots, they need it done to themselves
August 9 at 11:38pm · Like

George Crawford ‎"Man was born to be rich, or inevitably to grow rich, through the use of his faculties." - Ralph Waldo Emerson
6 hours ago · Like exists no where I have ever been the money is shown on here, among the biggies
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the questions, 'why did you do that?' 'do you think you are better than me?' have been asked by others to myself my entire life, at jobs, interviews, conducting business, most things I do are based on what comes along my way in life and experiences are logically used to make future decisions. the theories of school vs the realities of life contradict each other many times, can be correct but not able to be capitalized upon, and I always say my real experience is why I went to college, and my real experience made a lot of the classes crap. not only crap ideas from teachers/books, but fraud in the process with grades, for and against certain people, thus the motivation to try, not too high, and the credibility of every thing, non existent. Some of my favorite words/ideas are- owner, precedent, benchmark, credibility, relevance, respect, think.   
George A. Crawford III

To find a challenging position utilizing my education and experience in business in the investments area.  BASED ON EXPERIENCE, send me your education and work experience, I do not waste my time dealing with punks, inferior snots, or anyone not good enough, even then, trust has been breached and precedented non enforceable by the rules, law, so what? punks........ do not waste my time. 

M.S. Management, Strategic Planning, Finance and Marketing, 93% GMAT
Krannert Graduate School of Management, Purdue University, 1985
Ranked as high as any graduate business school in America according to several rankings, no one ranking, poll, class, means everything, and I will apply individual rankings, classes, etc. to any and all issues.

B.S. Mechanical Engineering,
Oklahoma State, University, 1983
(I did something.........................- I THINK)

Kansas Scholar, ACT test, 96% 98% math- SM South HS 1979

Kansas Scholar, ACT test, 96% 98% math- SM South HS 1979

GAC Capital Management, Chairman-Investment Manager 1979-today
denied series 65 license after I passed the test, I had to fight to take the test to start my own company, I was not sponsored by another, the license idiots said my degrees and high test scores do not matter, like they have done at KC area stock broker offices since 1985 when I earned them and had me arrested for fictitious crimes 10+ times such as trespassing. Since precedents have been established of disrespect for my ownership, before college, during, after BS MS that made a lot of classes pure crap,(based on reality of ownership meaning nothing) I want the market rate of pay, 10 $ figures/yr in 2011, pay back and time in jail for every person involved with my jail/mental hospital time for trespassing etc. maximum lock down until the punks are dead. A billion$ for each incident seems reasonable- punks.

Investment, growth type of stocks using fundamental and technical analysis.

Performed financial analysis of companies to determine investment potential, the analysis includes rate of earnings growth and cash flow. This also includes a strategic analysis of the company and industry the company exists in. I have experience in retail sales of investments with face to face contact with investors explaining risk and reward as well as NAV for mutual funds.

Author, Finance by GAC

I created,

Crawford Consulting, Chairman 1985-today
Financial, Strategic, MIS, and Marketing consulting to small businesses and research companies

Crawford Advertising, Chairman 1982-today
Landlord, Bed and Breakfast, 2005-present

Travel Consultant and Guide, North America and Europe 1976-present

Financial Consultant, Franklin Financial Services of American General 1995
Developed investment and insurance strategies for individuals and small businesses
Obtained series 7(scored  91%, when allowed to take the test) & 63 Securities licenses and life and health insurance license
was let go after my first sale, I was led to sell before my license was official, but based on experience, EVERYTHING IS 1 STEP AT A TIME - cleared and settled, one step/precedent at a time
'fight for a job' was spoken to me by a jr college degree ahead of me in the 'multi level-marketing skeem' I DO NOT FIGHT FOR JOBS, WITH COMPLETE INFERIORS FOR WHAT CRAP JOB? I PRO-ONLY

Health Care Promoter and Fitness Instructor, 1979-today

Owner- Manager, Video Corner, 1982-1989
A pioneer investor in the video movie rental industry. living family hell I worked at video corner because my money and lawyer? father were on it, to become a billionaire, every issue I experienced during and after video corner lasts forever- do not bug me fagits. PRIVATE VIDEO CORNER FAGITS My goal was to build a business, bigger than wal mart, and have more personal wealth than #1 on that list- Sam Walton, family hell etc. destroyed my motivation/4ever since. 

Golf Instructor, 1971-today
Model-Actor 1963-present
various crap retail jobs before high school diploma, and after masters, safeway, fw woolworths, wal mart, dillards, jones, wards. every issue I experienced working before high school diploma  lasts forever, FAGITS, fagits bug men, put their fagit nose in none of their fagit business, as fagits.
volunteer, habitat humanity, churches, Kauffman center for performing arts- 35 years of dealing with the public, punks, wanna be pretender snot offs, all kinds- nothings. punk scum liars in management, sales, and customers, all sides of the issues, police who are 'employees' steal things from the warehouse, and get away with it, punk old men mouthing off all around town, even after I quit working in the joke environment, thinking they are 'the boss' where ever they are? idiot punks scum jokes. 
Residential Real Estate Sales, 1989-2005, started at coldwell banker, owned by sears at the time, was put in 'the sleeper hold' from behind in a hidden contract room by another realtor, todd crm, who had asked me to help him with a contract, knocked out from behind in a chair with my coat and tie on. a few months later, a new broker was in the office, dave jnson, who made up crap to kick me out of 'his office' saying he never wanted me to get my 2 years in to be a broker. various similar crap at jc nichols, reece, until around 2005 when I tried to get a broker license and was denied, based on crap at stock broker offices, my father, and lost my sales license, the entire industry is crap/lies/fraud/set ups.
everything is crap based on my experience- the law/police/court/business license offices. thus my motivation starting at age 16.

· Perform Capital Budgeting
· Financial Analysis
· Investment Management
· Customer Service
· Management Skills

References available upon request
Purdue Kansas City Alumni
Oklahoma State Kansas City Alumni
Beta Theta Pi Alumni
Church volunteer

blackjack ace
youth adviser
karaoke award winner
I did go to Purdue, because it was top ranked for PUBLIC schools/companies. I did go to Purdue because of the top engineering in America reputation. I did not go to Purdue to study operations. No polls existed breaking down subjects when I went that I ever saw. I did go to Purdue because it was among the least expensive of all TOP Schools. I did not go to Purdue to live in Indiana, ditto Ok St.. I did say and know a lot of the classes were crap, based on my real experience, common sense, and partied every night, ditto for OK ST. (not every night but..) I did experience crap fraud with grades, group projects, ditto OK ST. thus, my view of 'scholarship' is not much based on crap content, biased teachers, fraud by students/teachers?, for and against some, I believe common sense issue/issue is more important, intelligence, more important, than gpa based on precedents of fraud and crap.  As there was no unnanamous #1 school, another reason for my going to Purdue, was to establish low cost expense , to get the best bargain, my own little thing- bargains, and all punks who say only rich people can go to such schools, I establish that although I was neither poor or rich, I got simply as good as it gets, for simply as low of a cost as it gets.
I did go to OK ST. because of an engineering scholarship offer. I was smart in math and science, and had no idea what engineering was about. I did study engineering to take CHALLENGING classes. I did not study mechanical engineering because I like 'mechanical' things or to be an HVAC person. Maybe some other students did, or just wanted training in one special area to apply to a 'job' they had or family business, as some said. I did go to COLLEGE to become a college graduate, a 4 year Big 8 University in TOUGH classes. I always place a College degree above a high school diploma, or drop out- always based on my pre high school diploma experience- I classify every one as a flunk out of high school until proven otherwise, a nothing- as I was treated myself, pure minimum wage. Any person over 18 who says my degrees do not matter, is automatically nothing, zero credibility, and nothing I want to associate with, as a pro/money.

I did go to OK ST. because of an engineering scholarship offer. I was smart in math and science, and had no idea what engineering was about. I did study engineering to take CHALLENGING classes. I did not study mechanical engineering because I like 'mechanical' things or to be an HVAC person. Maybe some other students did, or just wanted training in one special area to apply to a 'job' they had or family business, as some said. I did go to COLLEGE to become a college graduate, a 4 year Big 8 University in TOUGH classes. I always place a College degree above a high school diploma, or drop out- always based on my pre high school diploma experience- I classify every one as a flunk out of high school until proven otherwise, a nothing- as I was treated myself, pure minimum wage. Any person over 18 who says my degrees do not matter, is automatically nothing, zero credibility, and nothing I want to associate with, as a pro/money.
 I hate people who say ownership does not matter, disrespecting-  'common stock owners own the company'-my EASY A+, I hate people who just say stuff like that to me. I hate people who direspect the major issues I have encountered. I hate punks who dish it out, but do not take it back. Look a likes, gossips, murderers, identity theft, gossip of such from dead dad, his friends, frat brothers, engineering students I barely knew- and now know many were frauds and look a likes- with or with out their knowledge- to me. I hate punks who never had a contract with me, who bug me, act like anything is between 'us' based on their punk make believe land idiot heads. I hate punks, idiots, liars-experienced most of my 'pro' experience- every where, school, hood, jobs, the law, court, church, every where.
I have learned from experience, as a kid growing up in my neighborhood, through high school and college, at jobs, before high school diploma and after my masters degree, as a land lord, home owner, I notice attitudes, profiles, games that certain types of persons play, a statistical correlation of such crap/crimes based on persons race, religion, education level, physical size/attributes, jobs, and I dislike a lot of persons based on their profile and my personal one on one experience. Respect gets respect, disrespect gets disrespect, issue/issue- actions get reactions.  My parents obviously were a major influence on my life/motivation, as most persons are.  Credibility, attitude motivation based on precedents, created chaos in my mind starting as a teen, with gossip about my father/mother and as an adult with real jail time for fiction such as trespassing at companies I owned, job license issues/procedure-disrespect, and then after my masters, the person claiming to be my father, Ivy league educated top lawyer in America, his mafia murder identity theft stories, from him, about him and others, complete chaos zero credibility for everything around such persons, including the law/court houses, professional license 'grantors' thus no one is any thing...... common sense, survival in a jungle that claims to be civilization, perhaps worse than a real jungle, because in a real jungle, common sense knows what to expect.
Entitlements, based on what reasons? valid? relevant?, credible? to receive positive rights or to get to do negative things? as some people justify with games- crap is crap.......... precedent of crap- last forever, cause reactions, on and on, snow balls, avalanches, crap does not change- once crap, always crap, deny past crap? just ignites more fires...... less and less credibility for all involved, past crap ignored? what ever...