
Monday, October 26, 2015

George A. Crawford III MS BS agrees to work for the contracted amount of $5 Billion/yr, based on current American hedge fund Pay checks. 

Mr. Crawford uses all of his experience of disrespect with all persons involved in the law, securities industry, license offices- as benchmarks for all actions.

________________________________________ A legally licensed business operating in the United States, agrees to pay Mr. Crawford as stipulated in the 1st sentence of this paragraph. 

Such agreements will be publicly announced in all relevant publications, such as Wall Street Journal, local newspapers, and video taped, placed on the World Wide Web for the entire planet to witness,  24/7/365 documentation and historical archives. 

Mr. Crawford will receive 100% respect for his education and opinions, and 100% legal protection from any illegal acts that might be attempted against Mr. Crawford (based on personal experience and precedent-ed- illegal, blind/sided- acts- 'look a likes', identity theft- murder gossip), disrespect for Mr. Crawford's opinions on important issues- business/video corner/personal legal crap, by his top lawyer in amerika father, others in jobs- where Mr. Crawford walked out and gives no inferiors his time when they disrespect him, in any way. Mr. Crawford has been judged by punk inferiors and liars about their own credentials and identity, thus Mr. Crawford trusts no one- the only person Mr. Crawford could logically trust was his top lawyer in amerika father, who had real money issues with Mr. Crawford - thus Mr. Crawford being with his money and father- who turned into a fraud, liar, punk, perhaps a set up by enemies, who wanted to use me, knew I never tolerate crap, or go around/trust strangers, and killed my natural father, had the idiot look a like steal his identity- so I would go in to video corner, and try, that proved a hell that never has ended- and a learning experience forever.
All parties to any such agreements, will have their identity verified with DNA tests, their education, documented with college test scores, ACT GMAT, and a complete listing of their work history- all based on experience Mr. Crawford has dealing with liars, identity frauds, starting with his father 'top lawyer in amerika', real estate agents, and court house mafia/stock broker scum. 

Mr. Crawford swears before America, god, the universe, his intent was always positive, to study engineering - 'do something, be challenged', went to Purdue- never to be an operations manager - (based on polls about Purdue after Mr. Crawford went), indeed based on Purdue's Engineering/Numbers reputation, and the top Public Schools polls in America, as Mr. Crawford was from an environment of 'private business' -not trillion $ market caps, access to capital markets, ceo contracts etc.,  and with experience as an employee of Public companies, before high school diploma. 
The bottom line, BL, is based on common sense and experience, precedent after precedent, credibility or not, every one over 18, is considered a flunk out of kindergarten until prov-en otherwise- 4ever, no matter how old, how tall, big, 4ever. The individual's identities will be prov-en every day, on a daily basis, based on decades of look a like crap I have experienced, and will be for all parties individual safety, to raise a red flag for any possible murders or identity thefts, an issue above punk adult-children messing around. 
The issue of 'the purpose of the company is to maximize stock owner value' which I was tested on at Purdue. is basically crap, based on reality and experience. Pay checks are an expense, public companies like smith barney, merrill lynch, painewebber have fancy offices, do not maximize revenue, and have 'contracted' very large pay checks shown on proxy statements and online info.   The issue of 'you are no different than every one else' takes center in reality, based on experience, pay check/business license precedents. I maximize the value of my own pay check, and assets, any way I am able. To apply 'maximize stock owner value' to each individual company- in reality? one time this, one time that. I work where/at what ever I feel like, and nothing is better than crap, lies, punks, idiots, any thing not good enough.
I demand $100 billion for the disrespect on each issue, ACT KS Scholar 1978/79, BS ME OSU - in 4 years, 1983- crap/fraud, MS Purdue Krannert, 1985- top in USA, same crap/fraud, $300 billion total up front for that - cleared and settled, a market rate of pay based on any legally licensed business in America, ie hedge funds for example, Pay check and business license precedents to inferior persons than myself, will be openly advertised on CNBC BLOOMBURG nationally live telecast, and 24/7/365 on the WWW. 
Kansas City owes me $5 billion/yr for every year since 1978 KS Scholar status, which was before hs diploma. punkville usa

I never have worked with written contracts, just verbal agreements, b4 hs diploma and after MS, mostly turned into crap/lies/fraud. I did not earn my degrees in college to get any specific job with a written agreement with a company or individuals who contracted me to a work situation when my degrees were earned. I was put down and off before hs diploma by people using college degrees against me and that was justified for others to have what I wanted. Even written contract job agreements have been precedent ed meaningless many times in high profile ceo type jobs. I would rather be damned for doing, doing common sense right than fall into traps with wrongs and punks.

$4,000,000,000/yr spreadsheet $34,722/minute

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