
Monday, October 26, 2015

I did go to Purdue, because it was top ranked for PUBLIC schools/companies. I did go to Purdue because of the top engineering in America reputation. I did not go to Purdue to study operations. No polls existed breaking down subjects when I went that I ever saw. I did go to Purdue because it was among the least expensive of all TOP Schools. I did not go to Purdue to live in Indiana, ditto Ok St.. I did say and know a lot of the classes were crap, based on my real experience, common sense, and partied every night, ditto for OK ST. (not every night but..) I did experience crap fraud with grades, group projects, ditto OK ST. thus, my view of 'scholarship' is not much based on crap content, biased teachers, fraud by students/teachers?, for and against some, I believe common sense issue/issue is more important, intelligence, more important, than gpa based on precedents of fraud and crap.  As there was no unnanamous #1 school, another reason for my going to Purdue, was to establish low cost expense , to get the best bargain, my own little thing- bargains, and all punks who say only rich people can go to such schools, I establish that although I was neither poor or rich, I got simply as good as it gets, for simply as low of a cost as it gets.


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  2. The stock owners own the company, that issue was the bases for everything with me, disrespect of my ownership, others getting 100% legal respect, no matter who they are, hate of Crawfords, because of dad, ownership does not entitle anyone to pay check or license, disrespect of any stock owner will get me in trouble, jail, but my own ownership does not matter, arbitrary amounts made up by idiots- to matter, punks, police, courts, all frauds based on ownership issues

  3. I recall the finance teacher, wilber, perhaps the most ridiculous person I ever had as a teacher, pure insane, opinionated, zero credibility with his teachings and responses to my statements, and he said I would get arrested in stock broker offices, he and purdue people are behind that? who ever is, will be executed, forever




  4. I did not go to purdue for operations, but I will work in ops for $1 billion/week.....
