
Monday, October 26, 2015

when I was young, seems I remember dad saying mom put something in his eye drops he said, to blind him, she said like a girl, oh I did not, like she did when I bought merill lynch with the trespassing charges/jail, the stock certificates were 'lost' to use in court for my defense- that issue has caused 30 years of hell 

some said they told dad -I see things, the reason they get their job, 'like the jew next door' 'he says he sees things'

gossip of mom doing things while dad was at work, at stock broker offices,- for cash, behind his back,  fancy country club woman doing things, sex, dropping poison in peoples food, mom saying wendy I. from mhcc saw a wharton grad killed, mrs hariot k. has talked of mom kiling someone at sm east hs during a concert around 2013, the issue of dad being a wharton grad, look a likes, of him , him saying it when I was 16 and he was scared, him saying - good looking people do bad things and get away with it, talk of look a likes, as idiots place every thing on what a person looks like. look a likes and identity theft gossip from dead dad for his last 30 years, who ever he was  

gossip of some kids dealing drugs, with parents knowledge, maybe they have businesses just as a cover for dealing drugs

none of the kids in the hood were close buddies or bad enemies with myself, some bragged I recall, "I shot some one and he shit' maybe dad protected us with the law, he said in my new hood, your neighbors will come in your house and mess with you, you do not get it, you have to belong to a group for protection
 the hood, the jews next door used to pull pranks, act like it was normal stuff, 'farm' dads yard, a cousin, who became a lawyer, dad hated, he supposedly died mom said, upset like he was close family, then years after that, at kcpl district a guy who looked like him started calling me idiot. They had a big kid friend that parked his car on dads driveway, dad moved it off a couple of times down the street, this kid became a commercial realtor, mom and dad talked up after college, did not make sense. He was a punter in football?' that is what he does? ' kicks' then he goes up and kicks people? blind sided dad at a stock broker office, beat him by kicking him to death? like the police 'arrest people' that is what they do? so they BLINDSIDE ARRESTED ME,. that is what they do...? insane punks in the police and court houses. The jew dad drove his cars through our yard for his pool parties, as I was 16,  this became blatant disrespect, then after college he was in our house once, the only time I remember, and he was shorter than me, I do not remember him being shorter, as a kid, he was in our back yard asking me where dad buried his money? gold, crazy crap about them, also perhaps look a likes of them, and after college, drug dealers? gossip they did things to other teens, with the German Sheppard, who bad talked them or the kids. I have seen the dad or some one who looks like him around my house lately, summer 2015, in a bar saying 'you are better than me' who knows.

Another insurance salesman was told to be murdered, in colorado by his daughters ex husband, the daughter also. Gossip about them included the wife had people arrested at the plaza stock broker offices, LIKE I HAVE BEEN. Around high school graduation, the dad said 'you perform oral sex on my daughter' other kids gossiped 'his wife gives you head' they were all crazy like that, gossip, kids have sex with other kids parents, I was pure pro money..... still am..  

the insurance scam makes me wonder about dead people, or fake deaths to collect insurance, avoid the law, other issues.

some have been rumored to have died from my childhood, with different stories time frames, and some I think I have encountered after their so called death, just insurance scams? some dead dad said were dead or had their head cut off' are not listed as dead in my searches, and dead dads stories about some, have been contracted by some in person, some I was never buddies with he acted like I had somethings with, or some who were punks, became heroes, family friends- did not make sense after my college

dad said he had unique hand writing, as some try to copy his as I was a teen, his writing seemed to be different after my college, he was different, an idiot gossip ?

he said he was scared when I was 16, that some one who looked like him was going around doing things, that is when gossip started, at smith barney, merril lynch, painewebbber, that they killed him, would kill him, they hated those ivy league people at merril lynch and want them to suck our cocks, smith barney has local school mba grads as investment bankers who played football, and they hit your dad, painewebber said 'your dad is a very bad man, we do not let him in here, all where I had trust accounts, some said he was really a cop, who stole my real dads identity- when he was murdered, and no one did anything, and the women friends of his sucked the cock of the people who murdered him, mom has acted/acts weird, talks in her house, like it is bugged, says 'I am going to hurt you' 'I shot' like she is confessing to god? one of her friends said mom murdered some one, like comparing her sins among each other, mom called dad 'her' as dead dad said 'I am a girl' about him self, thinking I would copy him? mom said 'her mom died' dad? his mom did die when he was a child I was told, his side of the family never had any contact with us except his sister, who died when I was young, a mental patient, like myself, she was told by dad to have killed her self with a gun, gossip from kids was she was murdered at merrill lynch, shot by them after they made her suck their cocks, maybe just as a game for money to her, making it like a party, then killed her because she was dads sister, and she used his better degrees against them, they hated it, killed her and made it look like suicide, as perhaps they have been trying to make me into a mental patient, so they will murder me and make it look like suicide some time

gossip a krannert grad 'kicked a wharton grad around' then he was arrested for trespassing at merrill lynch by a wharton grad, and he kicked the kids face in bad, so a wharton gang with my dad, cut his foot off

dad whipped some one who did something on his groups private farm property

a group of 'snakes' frat from local schools killed dad in merrill lynch, where he was 'the man'

a group of Beta lawyers, from local schools, clapped when a big bad ass kicked dads ass so bad he was left to die, all by him self against a group, and his group of Betas did nothing to stop it, as they hated him being better than them

phi delts paid a guy to kill dad in a fight, as some of his 'friends' I have learned were phi delts, as they have changed to not friends around me, now that dead dad is gone
or 'other penn grads will beat your dad' it is competition, his high school hr block penn grad would shoot your dad, or a friend of dads from penn- he did some thing to your dad, that person has turned against me in public since dead dad passed, him or his look a likes, as I have witnessed look a likes of the wife and person I believe at moms house and other places, so I am not sure who they or anyone really is, seems many family friends have turned bad since dead dad passed, who I think are phi delts

when I was 18 or so, dad changed, and said he got paid to kill people, like one of his friends wife, who did die, he said -you do not want to be like me- I kill people

he started talking about -you know how it is- people who work all have people they look like and hate those with preppy college and don't care when we kill them

they have talked about people after college taking stupid jobs, like I was supposed to, but I also think he just lied, and they all worked in fancy stock broker offices, got fancy jobs because of their daddy's or guns, and had look a likes pose as them at crap jobs, so others would do it or what ever. 

dead dad said one time 'your dad did not have a dad to save him' he went into meriil lynch to get you when he was told they had you in there, they ambushed him, left him crippled and had a party, you never went to your high school parties, they hated you , he was a beta, a high school frat beat him up and laughed, and had fun as he cried, saying 'bompa bompa'  and died, a nurse gave him a shot to put him out and and kill him, she did not want to mess with trying to save him. or it happened with his country club people at merrill lynch, where he opened the kc office, and after they 'used him' they killed him, had a party, because that is what they do is party, and stole his money -pay check- for doing what they were not 'licensed' or paid to do, broke his legs and left him crippled to die, as I see people begging around the plaza, broken legs etc. from fights?

he said as I was a teen 'they are all pretty people and do bad things' he and mom said 'we do not want you to be pretty- like them, they are bad' he had moles and such on his back, but not after college and as I helped him in the last years, he made cracks about my uneven nostrils, he did not have uneven nostrils, but some old photos of him, he had uneven nostrils, I need to find such to examine when I was around age 16 when crap hit, maybe when I was 5 and they moved to the current house- with many gossip crap about that hood and the previous hood, peoples- groups, dead dad said -Drs. injected your mother and made her fat, as I have seen such pictures online, and 'they pushed your mom down a flight of stairs- she was all bloody - I helped her out'

dead dad said when I was out of college, 'never tell people your degrees, they will laugh, think you are a woman' they seem to have some punk code about not showing off, talking degrees, hating rich people, hating owners, all a bunch of crap, contradicting common senses and before my college, and from a top lawyer, insane, who told me not to follow the law since I was not a lawyer, never try to go to law school or medical school, 'we will not let people like you get a license' 'you should see how we break you people after you go to college' 'you people need to learn to work' 'you will never get a job at smith barney' well they broke me, I have been disrespected in court and topeka license offices

dead dad talked of being in a series of look a likes, that he killed some one and stole his identity, that I have to do that, he hated himself or me so much, he wanted me to kill him or do something so I would be in jail, maybe he had a decoy of himself he would try to get me to kill, so I would spend my life in jail, the way he talked of hating my life, people like me, maybe the same with mom, make me hate so much, that I kill, them? or their decoys, all a set up to ruin my life that they hate? 

maybe my youngest brother was from the jew next door and mom, as he was friends with the little girl, he does not have uneven nostrils, brother in texas does like me, and old pictures of dad, dead dad said he was not my natural father as he died, maybe he was poisoned in the hospital, with cancer that killed him, discovered after he was in. maybe people poisoned him because of my web sites, my rage against the area, maybe some renters come to my house to poison me, from oklahoma or blacks, almost all are weird, problems, blatant hints as such and talk. maybe some current people in my hood, old hood, maybe some neighbors are set up them selves, look a likes known to them and or unknown, doing things to them, or me to make me think  it is them, ditto with my 'friends' people

maybe when I looked up bill the delt on linkden, his photo looked different than I remember exactly, and when I emailed him about harry the phi delt, and the ibm grad threat, thinking I have listened to gossip of that hit still and seen them around, kc or my house, maybe the people who threatened me at ok st were not really them, as I really did not know them well, maybe they were set ups from the Beta hosue, or people from kansas city, as some people at ok st said things who looked like ok st betas when I was at ok st, and some betas involved hinted at some other Betas having family issues, brothers not knowing who their real parents are now, such as myself, or even that some ok st betas killed my dad in KC? too many gossip crap such that I do not know. Saturday I emailed bill the delt on linkden, sunday a old man gunned down people at the local jewish community center. last year I emailed a teke from church about the same ibm issue on linkden, the next day, an explosion on the plaza killed people, maybe the people I email are doing things? maybe people intercept my email and do things, maybe linkden? I know people are intercepting my emails? hidden cameras and micro phones spying on me in my house? moms house? the police? local realtors, the hoods, from day 1 when  I moved in? all real possibilities from my experience and observations

a big Beta banker died at christmas I read, a week or so after his pledge brother, fellow bank buddy died, were they poisoned? was I told to 'drop bread' in church wine at christmas service, as they/law/medical have poisoned me with drugs? entrap me into being a 'bad guy at church'? I have nothing on the line at church, I advertise my 35 years of issues, were my dna and history have a large influence on my life, before college, and in hidden unknown but known people associated with prairie village- stock broker offices, dad,  my hell after college, I want all people who know me, to know what I have gone through, with people they may know, who may be friends, hidden enemies, killing me, maybe dad, who knows - I want to raise hell on all who have messed with me, especially to those who associate me as part of various places, in good ways,where I have been killed, not made rich or anything good, as some assume. I have experienced plenty of punks at church, look a likes, cracks, I do not care, as punks need to learn, I have nothing on the line, no expectations, except peace, which I know does not exist even at churches.  when I have expectations, something on the line, I then try-care-get upset-cry, otherwise I do not care, might fight, cause hell, as nothing is left to gain, except pride and pleasure of hurting those who hurt me 
'another stock broker crap, they tell family that a man made a 'big deal' and a giant pay check, and that he ran away with a beautiful young girl, when really they killed him and took his money- or maybe such pay check, they make it all up to hate the victom, make his loved ones hate him, so they do not care or do any thing about a murder or bad what ever, even gossip to make family, what ever kill the victom, and it is justice based on 'family law- around here-' dead dad talked and acted that 'all that matters' was 'around here' his hood, his group of people, and that was so insane, full of lies and contraditions, that his credebility was nothing. all excused as 'frat pranks' 'because I did something- so I deserve what ever' again all based on lies, contraditions, gossip, no respect for my response, input, all crap dished out on me, me dishing it back- not allowed.  

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